Fashion/ magazines ---- advertisement Photgraphy
Fashion is a general term for the style and custom prevalent at a given time,in its most common usage refers to clothing or costume. (Wikipedia)
Fashion is the newest market, market which evryone who enjoys looking good will appreciate.Fashion is hat people ill relate to and may of the younger generation looks up to people who where the latest brands and look good.Fashion is a ver big thing and it does produce alot of money in the industry.
Magazine pictures have alot more freedom to do what they like as it doesnt have to please every target audience, just the target audience which it appeals to. Meaning it can use photgraphs( that show more) for example nudity phoographs.
Advertisement photography is seen by literally everyone.The whole world see's advertisement.Its everywhere!
As you can see from the advertisement photgraph above, the company didnt have as much freedom with this picture. It was very organised becasue the target audience is everyone.
Advertisement photgraphs are very different.They have to apeal to everyone as you can not show kids nudist pictures etc. Also they dont have as much freedom to do what they like as they are used tosell clothing or costoms.This means that the person being photgraphed is told what to where, how to stand and pose.
We see these fashin images in many place.For example billboards,books,magazines and posters . Its very hard not to be persuaded by these advertisements to buy their products.This is because when you walk to work, you ill se billbords on bus stations.If you drove somewhere you would see them on billboards on the side road.You would see them in books and magazines.
Photo manpulation- Many advertisent today are manipulated to make there p